Private EC Only
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Projects: Fundraising · Service · Socials and M-Nights · Ways & Means
StaffPresident · AVP · MVP · CMVP · PVP · MKVP · FVP · Extensions · Secretary· Parli · COB · Exec Dir · PA
State ProgramsCC · LL · Priority Area · WW · YT | Districts: 2 · 3 · 4 · 5 · 6 · 7 · 8 · 9
MNWT Foundation | Key Women | Committees: Future Directions · Marketing · Membership Managment · Bylaw Review · Finance


The Executive Council of the Minnesota Women of Today has the same purpose as the local chapter's Board of Directors. The Council meets prior to each state meeting and may take action on policies, make recommendations, and discuss items of importance to local chapters.