The Web Team is looking for people interested in helping to redesign and join us on the Web ReDo Team. We need people with a background in graphic design or web development. If you are interested, please contact for more information.
The Web Team has often heard that the website is "difficult to navigate," but haven't heard how so. In order to improve our website, we need your input! Please take the Brainstorming Website Survey to help us out. |
Below please find links to help your chapter work with free online tools. Links are for videos that will run on YouTube, and were created by a third-party, some ads may be shown.
YouTube Video Tutorials
Google Drive / Docs Tutorial (23:02 min)
Google Sheets Tutorial (7:59 min)
Google Forms Tutorial (6:52 min)
Google Slides Tutorial (9:55 min)
Google Sites Tutorial (16:03 min)
Facebook Tutorials
How to Use Facebook (10:04 min)
Creating a FB Page for Your Nonprofit (13:51 min)
Nonprofit Facebook Fundraising Tools (2:46 min)
Running Facebook Ads for Your Nonprofit (2:59 min) - this is NOT free, but will have a daily charge if utilized
MNWT Website Redesign Icon Contest
Deadline February 20, 2018
Attention all designers, web developers, or all-around artsy/craftsy members!
Please come up with icons for the following items:
- Friendship/Socialization
- Community Impact/Volunteer Service
- Personal Growth
- Leadership Training
- Programming Areas
- Why we are WT & why should you care
- OTHER ideas...
Also, please look at the menu items currently on www.mnwt,org for more needed icons.
On or before Tuesday, February 20, 2018, send your submissions to The person/people who created the icons chosen will be announced at Annual Convention, and the designs will be used to create the new look and color scheme of the website.
Please pass this along to anyone you think would enjoy participating in the contest! |